What is Petty Cash Book in Accounting?

Petty cash book in accounting – In every organization a Petty Cash Book is maintained by many small payments such as conveyance, cartage, postage, telegrams, and other expenses (collectively recorded under miscellaneous expenses) made. These are generally repetitive in nature. If all these payments are handled by the cashier and are recorded in the main cash book, the procedure is found to be very cumbersome. The cashier may be overburdened, and the cash book may become very bulky.

To avoid this, large organizations normally appoint one more cashier (petty cashier) and maintain a separate cash book to record these transactions. Such a cash book maintained by the petty cashier is called a petty cash book in accounting.

The petty cashier works on the Imprest system. Under this system, a definite sum, say Rs. 2,000 is given to the petty cashier at the start of a particular period. This amount is called the imprest amount. The petty cashier goes on making all small payments out of this imprest amount and when he has spent a substantial portion of the imprest amount say Rs.1,780, he gets reimbursement of the quantity spent from the top cashier.

Thus, he again has the complete imprest amount at the start of the subsequent period. The reimbursement could also be made on a weekly, fortnightly, or monthly basis, counting on the frequency of small payments. (In certain cases, the fund system is operated through the cash book itself. In such instances, the fund book isn’t maintained independently.)

In the Petty Cash Book in Accounting payment side (credit) besides the first amount column. Each of the number columns is allotted for items of specific payments, which are commonest. The last amount column is designated as ‘Miscellaneous’ followed by a ‘Remarks’ column.

In the miscellaneous column, those payments are recorded so that a separate column doesn’t exist. In the ‘Remarks’ the character of payment is recorded. At the top of the amount, all amount columns are calculated. The total amount column l shows the entire amount spent and to be reimbursed. On the receipt (debit) side, there’s just one amount column. Columns for the date, voucher number, and particulars are common for both receipts and payments.

Advantages of Maintaining Petty Cash Book in Accounting

  • Saving of Time and efforts of the chief cashier

The chief cashier is not required to deal with petty disbursements. He can concentrate on cash transactions involving a large amount of cash. It saves time and labour and helps the chief cashier to discharge his duties more effectively.

  • Effective control over cash disbursements

Cash control becomes easy because of the division of work. The head cashier can control big payments directly and petty payments by keeping a proper check on the petty cashier. This way the chances of making frauds and embezzlements become very difficult.

  • Convenient recording

Recording petty disbursements in the main cash book makes it bulky and unmanageable. Further, the materiality principle requires that insignificant details need not be given in the main cash book. This way the cash book reveals only material and useful information.

Recording of such small payments becomes easy as the totals of different types of expenses are posted to the ledger. It also saves the time and effort of posting individual items in the ledger. In a nutshell, it can be stated that the preparation of the petty cash book is a cost-reduction control measure.

For example, Mr Mahesh, the petty cashier of M/s Abc Traders received Rupees 2,000 on May 01, 2018, from the Head Cashier. For the month, details of petty expenses are listed hereunder:

Date May’2018 Details Amount Rs.
02 Auto fare 55
03 Courier services 40
04 Computer Stationery 225
05 Cartage 125
06 Bus fare 65
08 Taxi fare 255
08 Refreshments 105
10 Courier services 40
12 Unloading charges 90
13 Office sanitation including disinfectant 115
14 Photo stating charges 55
16 Erasers/Sharpeners/Pencils/Pads 250
19 Registered postal charges 67

Posting from the Petty Cash Book in Accounting

The petty cash book is balanced periodically. The difference between the total receipts and total payments is the balance with the petty cashier. The balance is carried to a subsequent period and therefore the petty cashier is paid the quantity spent. A fund account is opened within the ledger. It is debited with the quantity given to the petty cashier.

Each travel and entertainment account is individually debited with the periodic total as per the respective column by writing “petty cash account” and therefore the fund account is credited with the total expenditure incurred during the amount by writing sundries as per the fund book. The petty cash account is balanced. It reflects the actual cash with the petty cashier.

Books of Abc Traders

Petty Cash Book

Amount Received Date of May’   Particulars Voucher   Amount Paid     Analysis



Rs. 2018   No. Rs. Postage Conveyance Stationary Misc
2000 01 Cash Received            
  02 Auto fare   55   55    
  03 Courier services   40 40      
  04 Computer Stationery   225     225  
  05 Cartage   125       125
  06 Bus fare   65   65    
  08 Taxi fare   255   255    
  08 Refreshments   105       105
  10 Courier services   40 40      
  12 Unloading charges   90       90
  13 Office sanitation including disinfectant   115       115
  14 Photo stating charges   55       55
  16 Erasers/Sharpeners/Pencils/Pads   250     250  
  19 Registered postal charges   67 67      
        1487 147 375 475 490
  20 Balance C/d   513        
2000       2000        
June 01 Balance B/d Cash Received            

Books of Abc Traders


Date Particulars L.F. Debit Amount Rs. Credit Amount Rs.
2018 Petty Cash A/c                  Dr.   2000  
May’01 To Cash A/c     2000
  ( Being Cash Paid to Petty Cashier)      
May’31 Postage A/c                     Dr.   147  
  Conveyance A/c               Dr.   375  
  Stationary A/c                  Dr.   475  
  Misc. A/c                         Dr.   490  
  To Petty Cash A/c     1487
  ( Being Petty Expenses posted to Petty Cash Account)      
  Petty Cash A/c                 Dr.   1487  
  To Cash A/c     1487


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One response to “Petty Cash Book in Accounting”

  1. […] A Petty Cash Book in accounting is maintained many small payments such as conveyance, cartage, postage, and other expenses are made.  […]

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